At HFS we bring strong ethical beliefs and a deep social consciousness to everything we do. We believe that you reap what you sow and that doing your utmost to assist the right people, making a difference in the World and being sustainable and environmentally friendly is not just a good idea but an absolute requirement. It may mean taking on extra time, expense and effort to achieve but this effort is rewarded through being involved in endeavours that fundamentally make a difference to all involved. We also actively look for ways to ensure our customers, staff, contractors and suppliers can all benefit from engaging with Hospitality Fitout Specialists. Our mantra is “if they win we win and if we win they must win with us!” Find a listing of our ethical beliefs below:
Hospitality Fitout Specialists Ethical Statement
- We endeavour to reduce our carbon footprint and our impact on the environment by utilising ecofriendly products wherever possible. We achieve this by using environmentally friendly products and sustainably grown plywood and timber wherever possible in our construction processes.
- We undertake effective recycling and tipping practices to ensure the least amount of “rubbish” ends up in landfill and the maximum amount of recyclables are recycled.
- We do not condone in anyway profit over people and we will not jeopardise the safety of our staff or contractors to save money.
- We pay our staff above the award wages and we look at ways to ensure they leave us far more skilled then when they found us.
- We appreciate our contractors and pay them fairly and on time for their efforts.
- We do not screw down our contractors or suppliers to increase our profit margin.
- We always pay our contractors for legitimate extras and in kind they often offer some extras at no cost.
- We understand that our contractors and suppliers are the cornerstone of our business and as such we treat them with the respect and the honour they deserve as the success of each project we undertake is as much on their shoulders as it is on ours.
- We understand the meaning of under promising and over delivering and we deliver this on and after every project we undertake.
- We make a difference in the community through volunteering and supporting charities and causes that we are passionate about.
- We understand that cheap labour is not skilled and skilled labour is not cheap. We opt for the skilled labour option so that we can be proud of our work and safely guarantee our workmanship on every project.
- We will not be the cheapest shopfitter as we will not forego quality to reduce costs in any way.
- We will not work on projects that involve gambling, cruelty to animals, irresponsible service alcohol, human rights abuses, environmental destruction, any form of discrimination and projects involving investment by fossil fuel or mining companies.
Charities and social engagement
At HFS we volunteer and offer support to charities that inspire us. To date we have been blessed to be involved with the following organisation:
Kids R Xmas Magical and Fantasy Parades
Each year we provide storage for the many presents required to undertake the Kids R Xmas Magical and Fantasy parades. We also deliver all the required presents for bag packing, help pack 450 bags full of presents, pick up and deliver fruit to the Randwick Children’s Hospital, deliver presents to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and Randwick Children’s Hospital plus dress up and help run the actual parades themselves.
The Kids R Xmas Magical and Fantasy parades is the brainchild of Tim Lassig, director of Hospitality Fitout Specialists. The project was created in 2000 and is now in its 19th year of spreading joy and magic throughout the Children’s hospitals of Sydney. The project has been kept on track for all of these years by Dee Montague Jones one of the founding members of the project.
Riverwood Community Centre
We are very pleased to announce the completion of the latest project we have undertaken as our “charity” project for 2019. The project was based at the Riverwood community Centre based in Riverwood. Riverwood is very close to our office and so the project felt very “close to home” for us. Michelle Newman (CEO) approached us regarding quoting their kitchen upgrade works. After meeting up with her and finding out more about what the Centre did we decided to offer to undertake their kitchen upgrade project at cost price. Michelle was very grateful for our offer and agreed to work with us to undertake this very important project.
The Riverwood community centre does amazing work supporting the local youth, differently abled, seniors and many community groups in the area. The staff are amazing and the help they offer to local people in need is invaluable. It was a pleasure to be involved with an organisation so committed to making a difference! We wish Michelle, Joanne and their whole team all the best utilising their brand new kitchen!
Civic Lifestyles
We undertook an “at cost price” fitout to transform the Civic Disability Services outdated kitchen into a brand new Commercial Kitchen. Civic supports people with disability to exercise choice and control in their lives, achieve their goals and participate in the community. The people at all levels of this organisation are beautiful and grateful. It was one of my favourite projects for just wanting to turn up every single day to be surrounded by such appreciation.
The Bread and Butter Project
We recently undertook volunteer work with the Bread and Butter Project. This involved bringing our expertise and contacts to help fix a plethora of elements of their business that were outside of their skill set.
The Bread and Butter Project is the brainchild of Paul Allam, one of the co-founders of Bourke Street Bakery. It is a not for profit social enterprise project designed to make a difference in the lives of people fleeing from terrible circumstances in their home countries. I love their motto “makers of bakers” as they train newly arrived refugees to be bakers and set them up for a career and a new life in Australia.
Common Groundz Cafe
We were happy to sell a cold food display and a dishwasher at cost price to the Common Groundz Café in Lalor Park. The Common Groundz Café is a Café designed to raise money and provide opportunities by offering hands on training for people wanting to get into the Hospitality industry through to mowing the lawns of locals who are doing it tough. This is one of the Cafés in John Lomartire’s (director of Hospitality Fitout Specialists) local area and he was inspired to help them with their great cause.